Barack Obama


Barack Obama is the forty-forth and current president of the United States.

Barack Obama: Before you begin your research, read a brief, current biography of President Obama from the White House.


Barack Obama(2013). Retrieved December 3, 2013, from

What was President Obama’s reelection website, is now a hub of information for the current policies and news of his administration. Find his biography and vision for America on this source.

Politifact-Barack Obama’s file. (2013). Retrieved December 4, 2013, from

This fact-checking news site keeps track of promises made and kept by politicians, and checks the validity of statements, facts, and stories. Keep updated on the news with this handy resource, and judge for yourself how well President Obama is doing.


Dreams from My Father. (2007). Retrieved December 4, 2013 from

Written when he was still a senator, this autobiography details President Obama’s relationship with his father and his search for meaning and identify as a mixed race male in today’s America. This link from Google Books includes buying options, a preview, and reviews from other readers.

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